Pokes Prospecting, LLC

A student-owned, student-led, and student-run exploration company

My students and I have recently started Pokes Prospecting, LLC, which is a mineral exploration company unlike any other:

  • The company leadership and ownership is composed of current and former students.
  • Current students choose new exploration targets, stake claims, perform assays, etc.
  • All that I do is fill out the annual paperwork. I own no stock in the company, collect no salary, and can be fired at will by the board of directors (a.k.a. the students).
  • Students in my Mineral Exploration and Economic Geology classes choose the exploration targets based on what they’ve learned and their previous experience in Wyoming.
  • To become a co-owner, you need to successfully complete one of these classes with me.

The main purpose of the LLC is educational – to “learn by doing” – making money off of prospecting is a secondary goal. If you are interested in partnering with us, or with UWyo, please reach out to Dr. Biasi (jbiasi@uwyo.edu).

Current Properties

Rock Creek, WY

Orogenic Au, Ba, B, and placer Au + Ti, in a 2.7 Ga Greenstone Belt

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